Choosing Toys That Are Safe for Your Cat
Choosing Toys That Are Safe for Your Cat
To get the food sufficient for sustaining herself and her litter,
a feral cat goes through the ritual of stalking, pouncing and killing,
in a half-day's time. On the other hand, domestic cats feed on a diet
that is commercially made and prepared by their owner, which is as
effortless as using an electric can opener with their paw. It is no
wonder why your cat weighs a little more than normal. If we confine our
feline pets to the indoors, we take away their opportunity to work for a
living. Though they may be safer inside, their body and mind tend to be
inactive. So, you should decide on how to enhance their lives and
Luckily, it is easier to entertain cats. Most of the
things in their surroundings could serve as cat toys. As a matter of
fact, in most houses, cats ignore commercial cat toys and they would
rather play with items meant to be recycled. These include paper bags,
shoe boxes, bottle caps and pens that have dried out. What you consider
as garbage may be good to rip to your cat. Some people place appliance
boxes at the center of the living room so that their cats can use them
when playing hide-and-seek.
As you evaluate household items that
are safe for your cat, take notice of the pieces that can be bitten and
swallowed, get trapped on the claw and keep retraction, or get stuck in
your cat's throat or mouth. Though a lot of cats love to hide inside
paper bags, they hate it when their heads get caught in the handles and
the paper bag seems to have a life of its own, chasing them no matter
how fast they run. To prevent this kind of problem, you just need to cut
the handles before letting your cat have access to them.
The most
important law on safety is to know your cat. Find out the things that
catch his attention. He may have an oral craving for aluminum foil,
plastic milk cap rims or paper curling ribbon. If this is the case, it
is crucial to properly dispose these items to prevent your cat from
having gastrointestinal problems. However, these same things can serve
as well-supervised toys that may be played with occasionally by other
cats. Before you consider commercial toys as safe to play in your home,
they should be carefully inspected. Cats that bat at toys using their
paws can play with wands that have fluttering mylar strips. However, if
your cat likes to put anything she catches in her mouth, this is not
safe for playing.
When you know the habits, as well as play styles
of your feline pet by heart, you can carefully select toys for your
cat. This will, in turn, offer a mentally challenging surrounding,
invigorating exercise and plain, good fun, creating a happier and
healthier home companion.
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